Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Lord Jesus Christ is Powerful and Almighty: Pandemic will not hinder God's servants to reach out to hungry souls in Takeo Province

By God's willing, once in a month, the Mission Team will be able to reach out to the villages in Takeo.
Thus, in God's time, we ask your prayers for victory on another possible reach out in Kampot Province for this year.

Be part of this ministry, let's pray together for more souls to be saved.

We are praying and planning to do Sunday Fellowship and bible study with the adults Khmer. Then,  English teaching with Sunday school for the children and youth.

Mission Expansion in February and March: God has opened the way to extend the ministry in this remote area in the Province of Takeo

Pastor Ronald has the heart to extend the mission in different provinces in Cambodia where there are no Christian churches or missions that have reached out so far. 

This is one of the villages in Takeo Province which doesn't have any temples or churches establish yet.
The mission team has done free English teaching for young children and youth.

Greatness is yours Oh Lord, our God!
He has sent a Khmer believer that is willing to be part of this ministry.
He is Brother Rith, his family lives in this village too.

         Bother Rith is also a former student of Pastor Ronald when he was still a youth in Sihanoukville.         Then, God has directed his way towards Pastor's place in Phnom Penh. 

Let's continue to pray for continued physical and spiritual blessings for the locals who are living in this very poor villages.

God is so good all the time!

Mission in February in the two villages in Boungsnou Niroth Khan Chbar Ampov 1: Go and tell the world about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

Poukunsrey was volunteered to help the mission team to read the word of God in Khmer 
language to the kids on that corner street of slum area in the village.

"Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord, please send me.."

The Mission Team is always thankful to God for His sufficient grace and wisdom 
that He has called out these people to wait, listen, and understand 
the unfailing love and salvation awaiting 
for those who desire it.

Let's continue to work in God's vineyard, so everyone would be able 
to know and hear the goodness of salvation.

"Enter into His gate with thanksgiving and sing songs of praise; 
I say to you, rejoice into His presence."


It's the new year 2021 at Boungsnou Village 1 at Khan Niroth Chbar Ampov: You are the new creation of God when you accept Christ in your life

New Beginning for our Khmer brothers and sisters by hearing that 
Jesus Christ is the only way, truth, and life.

The Team was illustrating salvation and eternal life with the help 
of Bongsrey ( a local believer in that village).

"Let the children come to me..", Jesus said to His disciples.
Sisters Lenelyn and Irene always remember that thought that made them inspired to teach kids with songs and tell to them that, Jesus loves all the children in the world."

Rejoice and be glad for God is always good!


Saturday, March 13, 2021

The month of December- It's Christmas Season: Jesus Christ's love spreads it out to our brothers and sisters in Cambodia

Pastor Ronald and Pounsrey (a local believer from this village) have shared the 
goodness about the Lord and Savior 
who gave His life for everyone to be saved.

Praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness!
Local young and adults women were listening to the goodness that was shared by Pastor.

After the goodness heard by them, Sisters Lenelyn and Irene have shared clothes donations and gifts.

This smile of two beautiful women is priceless.
Every weekend, they do patiently wait on that corner together with their grandchildren for our arrival.
Praise the Lord for making their eyes and ears open to your words, Oh Lord Jesus Christ!


Rising UP Servants of God in Cambodia!

 Jesus Christ Reigns amid of the Pandemic